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INTERTITLES ABOUT « Aluminium in Brain Tissue in Autism » (18’42)

« Aluminium in brain tissue » observes for the first time the amount of aluminium contained in the brain of autistic people. Prof. Exley and his team have been the world-wide specialists for 35 years. They have established an extremely rigorous protocol in order to measure the quantities of aluminium in brains. They already got to measure the amount of aluminium of a hundred of brains, either of healthy people or people afflicted with Alzheimer. The latter have shown a quantity of aluminium 20 times higher than in the healthy brains, strongly hinting the probable role of Aluminium in the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease. Let us also take note that those people’s age was advanced.

For the team, the is no room for doubt: the soluble aluminium in the food (Al3+) is playing a role in the emergence of the Alzheimer syndrome.

What about the other neurological troubles (autism, multiple sclerosis)? Are those brains also showing important doses of aluminium?

In the case of autism, the team has succeeded in obtaining the brains of 5 people afflicted with autism in England (at the OXFORD BRAIN BANK), included the brain of a 15-year-old boy. For now, there are not that many brains donated for medical research even though this practice seems to be slowly developing.

Let us note right of the bat that the Oxford Brain Bank also provided brains for the control group, but they were not good for the study: they were all afflicted with other pathologies (included one case of Alzheimer.) To produce a proper comparison, they would have needed 5 brains of the same age than the donator’s (since Al3+ piles up in the brain during its whole lifespan), and healthy brains at that. (Without any kind of pathology or trauma).

The team had already been through a hundred of these procedures up to that point, having sampled brains either healthy or afflicted with Alzheimer (a recent study had been analyzing 60 brains), so they were deemed the more apt (by the Oxford Brain Bank) to perform these observations. This team had established a very precise protocol to measure aluminium in body samples, because the aluminium naturally contained in the environment can easily pollute all samples if their extraction and analysis are not conducted with extreme precautions.

The Oxford Brain Bank also provided 10 brain samples for microscopic analysis that weren’t extracted according to the team’s protocol. So these samples were used to confirm the observations that had already be conducted by the team up to that point.

This study has been peer reviewed and has been consulted 250.000 times in 6 months (the average rate is usually 20 times per month.) And it says a lot about the study’s importance. Still nobody talks about it, even though it raises critical questions.

The same team has also published another study about cases of multiple sclerosis in 2018. They have shown abnormal quantities of aluminium in those brains too. For them, the aluminium is connecter to all those neurological troubles.

Of course this study has its limits (no control group, small number of brains) but it nevertheless raises alarming questions that no health agency should ignore.

The team is currently working on another study, this time on several healthy brains, which will maybe serve as a kind of « control group ». This will allow to put all aluminium-in-brain studies in perspective.

It is a world first: one study is not enough. Other researches must be conducted. The sooner, the better.

Last, on of the main criticism this study face is that it has been financed by a private group, the Dwoskins, billionaires whose child is afflicted with autism since the day of his vaccination. These people obviously have the financial means to pay studies in order to understand what happened to their child… and also in hopes of finding a cure. I would personally have done the same (good thing billionaires have been using the same vaccines as us – because as of today, no public agency dares to finance researches on aluminium.)


to learn more : http://vaccinepapers.org/high-aluminum-content-autistic-brains/



« However, continuously escalating doses of this poorly biodegradable adjuvant in the population may become insidiously unsafe, especially in the case of overimmunization or immature/altered blood brain barrier or high constitutive CCL-2 production ».

Slow CCL2-dependent translocation of biopersistent particles from muscle to brain

Khan et al., BMC Medicine, vol.11, 2013

“In the context of massive development of vaccine-based strategies worldwide, the present study may suggest that aluminium adjuvant toxicokinetics and safety require reevaluation.”

Non-linear dose-response of aluminium hydroxide adjuvant particles: Selective low dose neurotoxicity

Crépeaux et al., Toxicology, vol. 375, 2016


“The results also showed that aluminum administration increased the hippocampus proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α by 3.8-fold, IL-6 by 4-fold…compared to the normal control group.”

Neuroprotective Effect of Nanodiamond in Alzheimer’s Disease Rat Model: a Pivotal Role for Modulating NF-κB and STAT3 Signaling

Alawdi et al., Mol Neurobiol., 2016


“Interleukin-6 is necessary and sufficient for producing autism in the offspring…”

Maternal immune activation promotes hippocampal kindling epileptogenesis in mice

Pineda et al., Annals of Neurology, 2013


“…any factors that alter the number or activation state of microglia either in utero or during the early postnatal period can profoundly affect neural development, thus resulting in neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism.“

Role of Microglia in Autism: Recent Advances.

Takano T., developmental Neuroscience, 2015


« Our results suggest that the elevated IL-6 in the autistic brain could alter neural cell adhesion, migration and also cause an imbalance of excitatory and inhibitory circuits. »

IL-6 is increased in the cerebellum of autistic brain and alters neural cell adhesion, migration and synaptic formation.

Wei et al., Journal of Neuroinflammation, 2011


« This work reveals for the first time that early HBV vaccination induces impairments in behavior and hippocampal neurogenesis. This work provides innovative data supporting the long suspected potential association of HBV with certain neuropsychiatric disorders suchas autismandmultiple sclerosis (Gallagher and Goodman, 2010; Stubgen, 2012). This study used the same vaccine and a similar time schedule to those used for human infant vaccination in China. Therefore, these findings suggest that there may be similar effects of neonatal HBV vaccination on brain development and behavior in humans. Given the huge welfare brought by the HBV vaccination in the protection against hepatitis B, the proper implications of findings in the present study should be that HBV vaccination of human infants may be attempted to be performed with non-Th2 bias-inducing vaccine (eg, DNA vaccine) or even at different ages. »

Neonatal hepatitis B vaccination impaired the behavior and neurogenesis of mice transiently in early adulthood

Yang et al., Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2016


“…aluminium intake impairs spatial learning abilities and increases anxiety by modifying brain functions at electrophysiological, biochemical and structural levels. We have also observed the magnitude of aluminium inflicted neurotoxicity was significantly higher in younger rats in comparison to older rats.”

“…aluminium enhances neurotoxicity by inflicting damage at sub-cellular structures. In accordance to previous reports we observed increased vacuolation, swollen mitochondria, and hyperelectron dense cells in Altoxicated young and old rats compared to age-matched controls.”

Aluminium-induced electrophysiological, biochemical and cognitive modifications in the hippocampus of aging rats

Pallavi Sethi, Neurotoxicology, 2008


“…our current results are consistent with the existing evidence on the toxicology and pharmacokinetics of Al adjuvants which altogether strongly implicate these compounds as contributors to the rising prevalence of neurobehavioural disorders in children.”

 Administration of aluminium to neonatal mice in vaccine-relevant amounts is associated with adverse long term neurological outcomes.

Shaw et al, Journal of inorganic biochemistry, 2013


« Aluminum hydroxide induced both behavioral and motor deficits, and the increased presence of apoptotic neurons and in various regions of CNS with significant motor neuron loss in the lumbar spinal cord.

the continued use of aluminum adjuvants in various vaccines (i.e., Hepatitis A and B, DPT, and so on) for the general public may have even more widespread health implications. Until vaccine safety can be comprehensively demonstrated by controlled long-term studies that examine the impact on the nervous system in detail, many of those already vaccinated as well as those currently receiving injections may be at risk in the future. »

Aluminum Adjuvant Linked to Gulf War Illness Induces Motor Neuron Death in Mice

Petrik et al., NeuroMolecular Medicine, 2007


« Also detailed are several mechanisms whereby significant quantities of aluminium introduced via immunisation could produce chronic neuropathology in genetically susceptible children. Accordingly, it is recommended that the use of aluminium salts in immunisations should be discontinued and that adults should take steps to minimise their exposure to environmental aluminium. »

The putative role of environmental aluminium in the development of chronic neuropathology in adults and children. How strong is the evidence and what could be the mechanisms involved?

Morris et al., Metab. Brain Dis., 2017


« Thus, our results reveal that microglia act as timeand sex-dependent responders to environmental challenges, with a potential direct influence on the etiology of the sex bias observed in pathologies associated with microglial dysfunction. »

 Microbiome Influences Prenatal and Adult Microglia in a Sex-Specific Manner

Thion et al., Cell, 2018





Cytokine: Protein substances that are used in cell signaling, especially by the immune system. Interleukins and interferons are two specific categories of cytokines (there are several others). During infections, the levels of (most) cytokines in the blood and other tissues increase as the immune system is responding. Cytokines control immune function, and also affect the brain. Cytokines can increase or decrease immune activity (“proinflammatory” or “antiinflammatory”, respectively). However, cytokines sometimes can not be categorized as “pro-” or “anti-“, since the effect on inflammation depends on the tissue and cytokine-cytokine interactions. Its complicated.

Neurons: The brain cells that process information by electrical impulses. The ones you are familiar with.

Neuroglia, Glial cells (same thing): Specialized immune cells that live in the brain and spinal cord. Two main types are microglia and astrocytes. In normal, healthy conditions, glial cells are at rest, and simply monitor and help the neurons. Glial cells can become “activated” by infection or toxins. When glial cells are “activated” they look for pathogens like bacteria, release cytokines, and can damage or protect the neurons. Glial cells do not process information. They defend against infection and help repair injury.

Microglial activation: When the immune system cells of the brain (“microglia”) are activated and think there is an infection nearby, or some problem they have to deal with. Microglial/neuroglial activation is immune activation in the brain. Also can be described as “brain inflammation” or “neuroinflammation”.


Autism Spectrum Disorders regroup different neurodevelopmental disorders caused by an interaction between genes and environment. Genetic susceptibilities exist (being a boy for instance) but autism has no genetic origin per se.

There are now several, solid scientific evidences that autism is caused by a chronic activation of the brain’s own immune system, the microglia, which increases the productions of cytokins.

The overload of cytokins in the brain (though they are useful in small doses) can greatly disrupt the brain development. Studies have identified interleukins 6 and 17a as the specifical cytokins provoking autism disorders. The brain needs those interleukines for its development but when there are too much of them, they can cause brain damage.

The chronic activation of the microglia is different from a mere infection. Whether in utero or during the first years of life, this activation is very dangerous : for instance, the IL-6 impairs the synapse’s development which happens during the first 2 years of life.

The activation of the microglia at this early age cause symptoms often associated with autism : mitochondria dysfunctions, loss of Purkinje cells, intestinal dybiosis, chronic brain inflammation, autoimmunity. The oxydative stress provoked by the aluminium disturbs the activity of the mitochondrias and can provoke neuro-degenerescence.

In short, the worst enemy of a developing brain are the inflammations (and an inflammation, no matter where it happens, can have repercussion in the brain, due to the cytokins.) Those inflammations can be caused by a severe infection (like rubella, during pregnancy) or by a chronic, toxic pollution (in utero or after the birth.)

But adjuvants precise role is to provoke the activation of the immune system. We know now that the aluminium adjuvant enters the brain. It is very likely causing the activation of the brain’s immune system, the microglia, increasing in consequence the production of cytokins in the brain, including the IL-6, which is a pro-inflammatory. (it has been demonstrate for the AL3+)

A cerebral inflammation can be the cause of several neurological troubles, epilepsia, schizophrenia, excess of excitatory synapses…

The aluminium is a powerful neurotoxic with no biological functions whatsoever. The human body needs a lot of energy to get rid of it. And each body comes with its own, unique, tolerance to toxic substances.

It is likely that the outbreak of Autism Spectrum Disorders is the result of an increasing inability of our bodies to get rid off toxic substances (pesticides, heavy metals…) We are living in a very polluted world. Our babies are born with more and more toxics in their bodies. And the synergies between those toxics are another impediment to our metabolistic capacity for detoxification.

Autistic children have a harder time detoxifying their bodies. For instance, their hair contains less toxic substance than an average person’s hair – which is one of the body’s mean to get rid of toxic substance.

On top of that, they produce more pro-inflammatory CCL2/MCP1, which facilitates the passage of the macrophages (loaded with aluminium after an adjuvated vaccine) into the brain through the blood-brain barrier. The same thing goes with people afflicted with the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, muscle pain and cognitive disorders ( usually called « macrophagic myofasciitis », though the term is often used to define the muscular damage at the location of the vaccine’s injection.)

Why is the MMR often accused of causing autism?

The first injection of MMR usually happens at 12 months, after 8 to 10 injections of aluminium (from other vaccines), which slowly move to the brain through the macrophages.

The MMR is a live-virus vaccine, it is extremely active (pro-inflammatory) and provoke a strong production of chemoattractant CCL2-MCP1 by the microglia, massively attracting macrophages (aluminium included) into the brain. They go through the blood-brain barrier.

Usually the accumulation of aluminium in the brain can take several months, or even years after the vaccination. Time it takes for the cerebral traumas to eventually appear.

MMR acts like the spark that triggers an explosion. Often, disorders appear after this precise vaccine. So parents are often enclined to incriminate MMR as the one responsible. But it would be understimating the « cocktail effect » between the MMR and the aluminium contained in other vaccines. Other factors might be important and worsen these case of translocation (like antibiotics, glyphosate, paracetamol…) but no study has been conducted yet about it.

A strong corpus of international, independent studies now demonstrates that the mecanism responsible for the apparition of Autism Spectrum Disorders are cause by this process.





Brochure : http://vaccinepapers.org/wp-content/uploads/Autism-brochure-BW-A4.pdf

Liste complète des études avec résumé/méthode/conclusion (en anglais)


L’Autisme est causé par une interaction gènes-environnement :





L’Autisme est causé par une activation immunitaire précoce et une inflammation cérébrale chronique (je ne vais citer ici que les études qui travaillent sur les inflammations POST natales).



















Etude importante :


citation : “Il y a des preuves qui suggèrent que la fièvre d’un enfant en réponse à une vaccination adjuvée à l’aluminium peut représenter une hyper-réponse inflammatoire qui advient chez un groupe d’enfants, peut-être possèdant un certain gène lié à la production de cytokines”.



(affecte notamment la formation des synapses, provoquant un déséquilibre entre les synapses inhibitrices et excitatrices, affecte la migration des neurones…)



































(Accessoirement, toutes ces études viennent confirmer les observations faites par le Dr Wakefield il y a 20 ans…).

Les enfants autistes auraient plus de difficulté à détoxifier leur organisme :


Ce qui n’empêche pas l’industrie de mettre en avant une étude sur ce modèle :


… alors qu’il est désormais reconnu que le sang et les cheveux ne sont pas représentatifs pour évaluer la charge en aluminium d’un organisme qui justement évacue mal les toxiques notamment via les cheveux (mais les stocke dans les tissus ou les os) comme nous l’explique le Pr Exley dans une lettre à l’éditeur, concernant cette étude :


Les enfants autistes sécrèteraient dès la naissance, plus de molécules pro-inflammatoires (MCP-1, favorisant la pénétration cérébrale des macrophages, chargés d’aluminium)





(d’où sa fragilité face aux inflammations cérébrales d’autant plus délétères qu’elles peuvent être chroniques. Il y  a également des « fenêtres de susceptibilités » très précises au cours du développement : une infime dose peut suffire à créer un trouble, à un moment précis.)






Le graphique de la vidéo (formation du cerveau) vient de cette étude :


L’ACTIVATION IMMUNITAIRE MATERNELLE (pendant la grossesse) peut également être à l’origine de dommages cérébraux sur le foetus en développement (danger des toxiques chez la future maman)






